Friday, April 25, 2008


ANZAC day. A day to commemorate the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps. (Not some New Zealand day because it sounds like N-Z day. By the way, the alphabet 'Z' is pronounce as 'zee' not 'zek')

It was funny when my friends were talking bout the coming holiday which is today, ANZAC day. At first I was curious. Since I know that New Zealand has a close relationship with this country so I thought Australia is also having the same holiday with New Zealand. I thought it was New Zealand day. =.= What a lame thought!!

It always fall on the 25th of April. One of the most important day in the Australian calender. The commemorative service are help at the dawn, across the nation. Marching through the major cities and some centers by ex-servicemen and women during the day ans ceremonies were held at war memorials around the country. It is a day when Australians reflect on the different meaning of the world.

ARGH!! It will another day for me to do my assignments and study.

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