Sunday, April 25, 2010

Guy's Life

A guy's life is like a small kid. They always work hard for the things that they want. As in the toys. By toys, it can be anything. From mobile phones to computers, cars, cameras, and etc. Basically, anything that they like. So far, I do have the toys that I like. The thing that I am using now. The things that are with me. They are my toys. Most of them, I bought them from working part time over here. I am happy with what I have got.

Well, I will continue to work hard. There are a lot of things that I want. Guys. They work so hard for those things. In a girl's eyes, those things may seem useless. unimportant, and pointless. To guys, they are different. We use them everyday. It seems like they are always with us every time. For example, my laptop. It is with me all the time. Even when I am sleeping. My I-pod, always there when I want to listen to some songs.

Lately, my friend also bought an expensive toy. 20K+ Malaysia Ringgit. Can't wait to see it when I back to Malaysia. Seriously. I also want to learn how to play that thing. I get to try that toy of his when I get back. Must learn up a bit to show my respect for it.

My toys....

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