Friday, June 11, 2010


Most of the students from department of civil engineers really hope that this semester would be the last tough semester that they are going to encounter for this course. Fighting their ass off, studying hard, and trying to score well.

Me had been camping in the library for a few days. Had maccas for most of the meals, tried to skipped a meal and ended up getting tired easily. A few cool companies while studying and it seem to be progressing well.

Figure 1: A dead friend in the library.

Figure 2: Seem dead.

Figure 3: Library filled with books.

Figure 4: More books. Somehow being surrounded by books seem scarier than being surrounded by zombies.

Figure 5: Faithful companions during exams. Notes, highlighter, and I-pod Nano.

Figure 6: Pretty girls in the Music Video. Just have to look at some pretty girls during break. "Girls' Generation".

Figure 7: Favourite MV. By Soulja.

Figure 8: LV school bag!?!? Rich ASS!! Wondering who the fuck is that.

Figure 9: I-pod seem matching with Sennheiser wireless headphone.

Figure 10: Perfect match.

Figure 11: OI!!! STUDY LAH CCB..

Just a short break in the library playing with my Aino. Nothing much to do during the break. A little game with the gadgets that we had, it seems entertaining as well.

Yesterday, cold.

Today is also cold. Computer lab no longer open 24 hours. Yesterday last computer lab session with Charlotte, George, Die Yu, and some random people. AWESOME. Today, study at home. Maybe I should head to maccas later for ice-cream. Had been craving for that soft served cone.

Lately, I had a fit of laughter every night before heading to bed. Maybe it was due to my craziness for studying too much. No matter how serious I am, randomness always able to break that serious mode of mine. Random friends with random chat.

Finally, that's all for today. Random post, and random informations.

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