Tuesday, June 15, 2010

First Paper

Few hours ago, my feeling is same with Ronaldinho waiting for his first match in the World Cup tournament. Right now, my feeling is the same with Rooney waiting for his second match. Eager to beat the second match to be qualified in the 16 best team matches. I am eager to do well in my next paper as well.

Lesson for the month, "Even if you lie to someone, remember to follow up with it.".

Good lesson to be learnt. Last week, my group got back the structure assignment and I was the one to collect it from the office. With the devil beside my ears whispering to me, I had decided to play a prank on my team mates.

"Yo, our marks. 64/100 for the structure."

Simple, short messages work most of the time. Can show that we are depressed as well and nothing more to comment on the situation.

First reply, "Shit! Where did we lose marks a lot?"

Second reply, "Wow.. That's not exactly worth the work.."

Third reply, "O? U collected?"

I like the third reply. Calm despite the result we had gotten. Well, anyway, all three of them in the end was disappointed after confirming the reasons why we got such a low marks.

At first, I planned to show them the marks at night however things didn't happen as I had planned.

That night, "Sam, my I-pad is here in stock. Apple just contacted me.". And I off I go with my friend, heading towards Chaddy for my friends new I-pad. And later on, went to his house to watch the opening ceremony for the World Cup.

Next day, busy studying as I had wasted time on World Cup. I forgot about it.

Third day early in the morning saw my house mate, and he asked for the assignment. I was smiling and handed him the assignment. POOF! A HD! Got him. Later on, in the computer lab, another team mate just found out and he stared at me. He is the one that had taken this incident very hard. Heard that he was depressed the other night. Well, later on he told me something that I will always remember in my heart, "Always remember to follow up after you lied.".

No worry Shim, I will. HAHA. He was indeed funny when he was depressed. Should have taken a picture of it and posted it up here.

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