Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Few recommended songs

Guang Liang's new song. Has been quite some times since I don't listen to his songs. Well, suddenly he had this new songs which is not bad.

右手边You Shou Bian - 光良Guang Liang

S.H.E.'s song. It is ok I guess....
Suan Tian 酸甜 - S.H.E and Fahrenheit
Listen is for yourself guys.

This is by the two girls from Singapore. Talented? They are still new.
16未成年 Wei Chen Nian
From the album there is a song which I find it not bad.
BY2 - 不够成熟
还达不到 你的要求
只是怀念 你走以後
离开 难道真的是解脱
难道 真的要事过境迁了以後才懂
倔强说不痛 假装什么伤都没有
倔强抬起头 决不让眼泪往下流
真的不难过 笑着和你挥挥手
如果有一天 我们有缘再见
你会不会想起 说过的永远

"Hey, freeloader. Using the internet? Must insert coin eh."
Looks like I have to go now. Back to my own place thinking how should I decorate it. Maybe I should insert some coins in the PS3 and have a go with it first.

Enjoy. Especially the songs by the two new girls. Even though there is only one good songs in the album.

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