Saturday, June 21, 2008

Nice one!!

Late in the night. Some one call my hp. Chatting bout usual stuff between two distant friends. No play gundam ah? NOWOR!! No go anywhere meh? NOWOR!! Am I speaking with Sam ah? YEA!!

Haha. Had a very good laugh after that. Have been busy with my new found thing and have been trying to put a lot of effort into it. It wasn't easy. I wasn't really concentrating when I was clubbing just now. Still wondering why am I there. Maybe I was trying to look for a place to distract me a bit from what I am doing. Yea. I should get a break.

WOW. Once again I was fucking blur just now. I remember two friends said hi to me. Till now i was wondering who are they. Aiya, you guys can't blame me. The dance floor was so dark and I was busy fishing as usual. We need to be alert when we are fishing. We don't want to miss the good stuff in there. Haha.

Well. I just drop by to update a bit. Hasn't been updating. Luckily I was back straight to home today and able to use my laptop. Nite people and have FUN!!

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