Seem like a lot of people leaving Malaysia for this coming month. I guess that the air tickets to some country are getting booked and full again. Yesterday and today I had chat with a few friends. Wendy decided to go Singapore for her cabin crew career, Wei Kuan decided to go Singapore also to work and Evelyn decided to further her study at Adelaide but she will be stopping at Melbourne first. Funny. Many Malaysian leaving Malaysia. I think there is a conversations I had last few days that is concern bout this topic. Why Malaysian don't like Malaysia whereas tourist always regard Malaysia as one of the good country. It is easy. Cause they did not stay there and haven't understand the politics of Malaysia.
Good luck to those people pursuing their studies or career.
There is a song I want to post up for today.
出门靠朋友 by:王宝强
走出家门口 闯荡在外头
把梦想追求 心中有个盼头
想家的时候 也借酒浇愁
无助的时候 也想过回头
在家靠父母 出门靠朋友
风雨路上一起走 彼此分担忧和愁
在家靠父母 出门靠朋友
虽然不经常见面 总能够彼此问候
在家靠父母 出门靠朋友
朋友就是那好酒 年头越久越上口
在家靠父母 出门靠朋友
不管天南和海北 你我都是好朋友
Remember this when you guys are away from home.
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