4 hours plus 1.5 hours of nap. Good. I can stay awake for tonight. Got to finish up the computing assignment, revise this week mathematics lecture as well as study physic for the coming exams. Why there is only 24 hours in a day? I don't really mind. I will make sure I make good use of the 24 hours time. 17 days to go till I finish this semester and then I will have a long break for 6 weeks. Now I really looking forward to that. Since so many of my friends not going back to their hometown, I think more activities will be coming up during the break.
Finally the connection in my place is back to normal. 5 days of slow connection really sucks. Going over the download limit provided is so 'not cool'.
Enough of craps for today. Got to start with my things now. Enjoy life people and try not to get so EMO for some of you.
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