WOW!! Finally. My first semester here in Australia has officially ended. It is cool. At first I thought I will be very free after the examinations. Guess that I am wrong. More things are coming up for me to do. I am also proud to say that I think I did pretty well in my exams.
Then I shall talk bout my last paper. I took a paper for 'JOCKEY' position. We have to go for an exam before we can become jockey. As you can see from the picture. I took my exam at the Melbourne Racing Course. Nice place.
The entrance.
Stuff that we bought before our paper. Celebrate!! We are not going away after the paper without any celebrations.
From the exam hall, I can see the race course. I can imagine myself racing in the course. It will be damn cool.
Me and the gang who took the paper with me. Celebrated right outside the exam hall. * I am still wondering what kind of horse I am going to ride in future.
Notice: will be a private blog in future. will be a new blog with the new path I found.
Mcdonald.. Even a small kid would know what it is. Lately, Malaysian has been going crazy bout the Mcdonald chant which goes:
"Two all beef-patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions on a sesame seed bun"
Sad that I am not around in Malaysia. I will give it a go for the free BIG MAC. It has been a long time since I spend the whole night at Mcdonald for supper, assignments or to study. ARGH!! MCD. They do not have Mcd AYAM GORENG spicy set large here. I am craving for that now.
Mcdonald even have a contest on who can make the best video with the MCD chant in it. With the attractive prize amount up to RM10,000, who will want to miss trying their best for it. So far..... I haven't seen any good video being sent for the competition. Even Kenny Sia's Saddam Hussein is not really that entertaining. At least he did come out with good idea on playing a prank on one of the Mcdonald branch.
Below is one of the video sent by a random person which I think is not bad. If I am to make a choice to choose one, then I will vote for this. If I have a choice. Try harder people. Come out with something better if you really want to win.
As always, I am giving comment as though as I am very good at it. Peace!!
Below this one.. Seriously suck... When my house mate look at it. ~SPEECHLESS
As for this.. I went speechless.. But can't deny it. The girl in it is hot. That is according to Kenneth. Seriously, this one is rubbish.
Want to earn cash by doing online surveys? Earn cash from home? Or from anywhere with a computer? I am still trying it but no harm trying. Go to the website below and start answering questions.
I just have to post something even though I should be busy preparing for my exams. Well, can't blame me. I have been up since 4am and revise till now. With two classes in between. I do need a break. Cramming things up in the head won't help much before exams.
"Sam, you Malay rite?" asked Andreas. "Fuck!! I am Chinese," I said "I mean you are from Malaysia," he asked again. "Yea," I answered. He then turned away telling people that he is right bout the Malaysian Chinese will get irritated when called them Malay even though what they meant was, we are from Malaysia. That is for sure. Do you like being associated with corrupted bunch of ungrateful group of people? No way. Not only ungrateful but racist as well. I thought even though we Indians and Chinese from Malaysia should have the equal status. CUT THE CRAP. Many of my friends already know bout how dirty and dark in Malaysia politic. It is nice to know that, they are not even from Malaysia. And lastly, I am CHINESE and not Malay even though I am from that country. If only Malaysia's has been a better place for the other races then I don't you guys making that mistake.
Maybe Indonesia Chinese don't mind people calling them Indon because they are earning big bucks there as Chinese. They manage to exploit the natives there and live a good life.
As usual, during maths tutorial, we all had a lot to discuss. Last week, we discussed bout those who is going back to hometown and I start asking each of them whether who is going back.
Andreas. Going back to Indon. When he said that, Fendi quickly asked him. Is it safe for you to go back? Do people get shoot in the airport? *Thinking that Indonesia is very dangerous now. I did answer for Andreas. "Well, he got too many bodyguards back there and they will just take the shot for him." Indon labor is too cheap and the Chinese is too rich.
Later, I asked Han. He is from Myanmar and Fendi questioned him again. "Going back to help your people?" It is all joke and Han knew it. That day we all got a bit crappy for not sleeping on the night before. Interviewed out tutor... And he amazed us with his qualifications. He did three years of Civil Engineering before he decide to drop it and take Bachelor in Maths later on in Master of Maths and lastly PHD in Maths.What the fuck!! And now he is stuck with us in our tutorial class. Basically he is also a very good computer programmer and he can read or work with the binary numeral system. What the hell is this guy doing. Well, According to him, he dun like to work outside. I did ask Han whether I can visit his place some time in the future. It will be cool. I have only seen Myanmar from the Thailand border and have not actually been in it. So far, I think only Fendi, Dan and me staying back for the holiday. Others all going back. So UNCOOL.
What is left to be completed these two weeks? 1 more computing quiz, 1 more physics lab quiz and 3 more papers to go. And also activities for next Friday!? Have to come up with something after our last paper. Maybe on how to party till morning.... Any ideas? Give me some.
Seem like I got to go et ready for my revision now. That's all people.
Finally, physic lecturer told us a joke today during our physic class.
"What is the smallest bar around," question him. The whole class look at him amazingly thinking that a good joke might be coming from him. "H-Bar,"answered him. We all laugh as it was just too lame. Physics joke. H-bar is calculated from h/2*pi which will give a very small value of result. Seem like jokes from physics is too lame.
Again. Meant to post this yesterday but I was too lazy as the weather is getting colder nowadays. I really enjoy the cooling weather. Need to buck up in bidding for my winter clothes from E-Bay. Thinking that I wouldn't have the time to shop for my winter stuff.
E-Bay It is really cool to have E-Bay around nowadays. The other day when my friend was over at my place to finish up some assignment, one of my house mate begin to shop with E-Bay too. He was amazing by what we can find from the site. Being the SAM, I asked him to have a look at the travel and tickets for awhile. 0.99AUD for 7 day stay at Bali!! Wtf. Well, I really like that offer. After that, Daniel joke bout getting plane from E-Bay. So, we search for it and they do sell light aircraft in there. WTH. How they going to send it over here? Parts by parts with manual to go with it? Since my place here got a parking space. Why not? The problem is.. Too expensive for us. E-Bay is just too convenient. I think I don't have to go shopping anymore. A waste of time, I guess. However I still don't trust E-Bay for getting electronic gadgets from it. Currently Have been viewing a large range of laptops and I think I will still get it from Dell site when I need one.
From today onwards I don't think there will be a post for my blog for two weeks. My laptop will be switched off for the time being as I have got stuff to do. Since it is winter then I might as well change my display picture from summer to winter style.
Next post might be on why I enjoy Cyndi Wang's songs. Maybe not all of her songs but she do have a few good songs. ^^
Today, I had a blast after I reach home from Monash. My hard boiled egg exploded in the microwave. Being the lazy person, I reach home, took one hard boiled egg thinking of reheating it for my Tea-time. Instead of being able to enjoy the egg, I blasted it to pieces in the microwave. Imagine someone being blasted like the egg on the left. SWEET!!!
Why bother? Went for a nap first after the "POP" sound. I am so tired for only getting 4 hours of sleep.
4 hours plus 1.5 hours of nap. Good. I can stay awake for tonight. Got to finish up the computing assignment, revise this week mathematics lecture as well as study physic for the coming exams. Why there is only 24 hours in a day? I don't really mind. I will make sure I make good use of the 24 hours time. 17 days to go till I finish this semester and then I will have a long break for 6 weeks. Now I really looking forward to that. Since so many of my friends not going back to their hometown, I think more activities will be coming up during the break.
Finally the connection in my place is back to normal. 5 days of slow connection really sucks. Going over the download limit provided is so 'not cool'.
Enough of craps for today. Got to start with my things now. Enjoy life people and try not to get so EMO for some of you.
This year, for Mother's Day, I worked in East Empress for one whole day. From there, I had seen a lot of families coming to the restaurant to celebrate the day. Sad that, I am not around to celebrate with my mum. Gonna wish her Happy Mother's Day from here too. ^^
Today's work is tiring. Luckily Carol made two cups of Latte for me and now I am awake to continue my studies even after a tiring day of work. Seems like I have been living on caffeine to go on with my things. Burned marks all over my hand for being careless while working. Damn it!!
Been real busy lately. Good new is my application for biology faculty has been approved. Went up to building 17 last Thursday for the interview and luckily everything went well. I still remember that day I had to pass up two assignments and present a presentation. Now I still got one quiz and two assignments to go. Omg. Exams are just around the corner. Better get lesser sleep and work hard for this month. There are only 3 more weeks to go and everything will be done.
Holidays.. What plans? Ski? Brisbane? I doubt that Choon Yauw is going to plan up that ski trip. Might as well pass it. Brisbane... Fendi did ask us to go Brisbane. Tempting. However this holiday I had got plans already. Might not be able to take time out for that. Argh..
Luckily Monash has been very kind to us and provide us some coffee. A good treat when we are busy.
This picture is a bit blur as Nabila doesn't know how to take picture.
Now that I have to continue to do my work. That's all for now. Will update when I have the free time or encounter anything interesting.
Hardworking? Yea. I think so. Did some assignments and a bit of studies. At least I started a bit on my studies. I better do.
Nothing much over thee weekend. Went to Chadstone twice. First time is on Saturday which I and a friend had a walk and I tried to look for another part time job. Hope they will call me this time. The people here have the tendency to ignore you if they think you are not suitable. =.= Such lazy employee. Went there again for a bit of shopping today. 3 guys going shopping. Seems very gay. Or I should put it in another way, IT IS GAY.
Didn't but anything much. Cause I just want to walk around. I did buy a snow cap again and also a cotton socks to warm my leg at the night. Maybe next time I should shop alone. By that way, I will be able to get something for myself. Should have look for a glove and also a winter coat. The GAYEST thing is we three bought the same cotton socks. Luckily I have the different color than the other two. We got no choice because the sock is cheap if we buy together. TOGETHER!! Exaggerated a bit.
I did cook myself some Chinese dessert on Friday night. "Tong Yuen". Nice.. Still prefer my family made one.
Today, funny thing happened when I am trying some of the winter cap. There is one the Russian style cap that I tried when the salesgirl waked to me stating that, I will have to dance for her if I want to try those caps. Spontaneously I put on the Russian cap and asked her to teach me. Maybe the next time I go to Chadston again, I will buy that cap from her. Friendly people.. To me, winter clothings are nice. I think someone told me that before.
Tonight, I shall have anything that I can find in the kitchen for my dinner. Nothing much I guess. Ja people.
Thursday has always been quite a nightmare for my classmates and me. Today, it rained from morning till evening. Started since the moment I stepped out and walk to university till I finished my 2nd class. Conclusion, today is a cold day. I am alright with it because I like cold. I only pity those who ride to class and have to ride their bike back with a wet butt.
The weather of the day. 'Gloomy' 7 hours of class today was tough. 4 hours physic and 3 hours of maths. Killer. At least today maths was a simple class. Dealing with simple mathematic questions. Physic wasn't easy. 4 hours of lectures. Sitting down and listen to the lecture in class was boring. I felt asleep. Dean felt asleep. Jason felt asleep. And Fendi felt asleep till he dropped his pen on the floor.
After physic class and we packed up getting ready to leave when I saw this. Andreas sitting at a corner at the back of the class. Emotional? I don't know. Must be chatting with his long distance girlfriend.
Speaking bout long distance relationship. We did had a funny conversation with Shimpei about it. Me: Why so happy? 3rd year anniversary? (Yea. Shimpei is with his girlfriend for 3 years) Shimpei: Yea. Fendi: What you going to do in future? Follow her to where she works? Shimpei: I don't know. Me: You should have her follow you. Fendi: What will happen when you have children? Have two? You take 1 and she take 1. Me: What if there is only one? Half each? ( Being lame) Shimpei: I don't know. Now she planning to go Canada for studies. Or maybe Tokyo. Fendi: My girlfriend is at Tokyo now. Shimpei: I will prefer her to go to Tokyo. Fendi: I thought you two were engaged... (Sensing that Shimpei is feeling insecure!?) Shimpei: Not really.. Fendi: It is stated in Facebook. Daniel: That is the wonder of Facebook. Later on we continue our conversation on plans to visit Japan. Since Shimpei is from Japan, we had found our tour guide. Wonder of Facebook. Virtually engaged? But they are together for real. It is just another application from Facebook that they two enjoy it together. Walking back from school and I saw this. A flock of birds soaring through the sky.
Whole class watching this when Jason played it on the computer during our MATLAB class. The girls was amazed by this video especially Lynn. While watching, as future engineers, we did analyze Tommy Baker a bit and came out with a conclusion. Fendi: Is that CG? Jason: Nop. He appeared in Guinness World Record before and his trade mark is this move. (pointing at the part where Tommy turn another basketball on top of the other) That is our early analysis bout that video. Later on.... Fendi: That guy definitely is not an engineering student. He got so much time to practice. Secretly the whole class agreed. Our conclusion. "Tommy Baker is not an engineer or an engineering student".
Please enjoy the video.
Thursday.. Nothing much bout it. Beside having mentally worked out during classes, I also had physical worked out by jogging around. It is a day which I worked myself out.
1st of May. Labour day in Malaysia but not in Australia. Seem like my parent went to donate blood. Got to call them now.