Wednesday, April 20, 2011


"Keep Partying"

Someday, we will have to stop that. Party is fun. However a man can't keep partying for his whole life. There will be the time when he has to settle down.

In current era, settling down seem to be the hardest things to do. Most would say a man would settle down when they have met the one girl that they should have. Maybe.

What is the meaning of settling down?

I don;t really get that. Maybe it is not my time yet. To me, I will do what I have to do. I will pour all my dedication into things I do and hold up tight to my responsibility.

Why do I even start blogging again? Maybe someone reminded me that I haven't been updating my blog for a long time. It is time for me to get a new laptop and a new camera. Soon I will start blogging from bars that I visit. It will be a whole new collection. My thoughts and emotions in the bars will be something different.

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