What should we do? How should we do it? Should we do it? All these rubbish flocking in my mind.
I still remember when I first go for the interview, I nearly gave up on my way there. Reach Power Road and I don't see any office except for residential areas, so I planned to turn back and take the bus home. While I was going to do that, I met this old man who ask me to continue my journey and have a look. He was asking me to give it a try. Then I make up my mind to continue my journey and see what do the guy or employer have for me.
When I reach there, Willie said he had viewed my resume and wanted me to work as his partner. It wasn't easy. Still wondering why do I took that offer straight away. I guess it is all about timing. Till now, things have been going on smoothly. To be honest, I do learn a lot from him. Especially his experience as a business man as well as on management. Basically, the management is not only bout managing my team but also managing my personal life.
It was wasted when his car broke down the other day. It not I will have the chance to witness how he talk and discuss some matter with those Vietnamese businessman. One hell of a night that day. Attending the businessman's daughter's birthday party at FIX club without having dinner beforehand. All the liquor and beer that I had gave me a hard time though. Luckily I have Melaleuca's tea too sooth my stomach for the night.
I was thinking to make my own business cards. Haha. Kah Ho's comment was, ' So fast for what'. Later on, I got my expenses paid to go for a trip at Gold Coast. My friend's comment, 'No class ah'. Waliao. Luckily got people support my move for that and stating that I do need a break. Business for fun. I totally agree in that. what I have to learn is how to deal with different people. Which I think I am not really good at it. There are times when I should get serious a bit and learn to exert my power and confidence on other people.
If everything is going on smoothly, I will have to go back to Malaysia and also to make a stop at Singapore for awhile. This is something which I look forward to. Haha.. Looking forward to see my family and relatives back in Malaysia.
Malaysian's LanguageI do have friends commenting bout our Malaysian's language speaking.
"Why do you guys speak English and Chinese together in one sentence?"
Well, that is Malaysia. We are famous for our 'ROJAK' language speaking as well as the dish 'ROJAK'.