Sunday, June 16, 2013


Wastage. I still remember clearly that dealing with wastage has always been the core of my early education. Especially when it comes to food wastage. When I was a kid. Adults used to constantly remind us to appreciate the food we had. Think of the pain and sweat the farmers put into growing out food. Think of all the unfortunate people that do not have the luxury that we have. I am not sure if this kind of education was actually being enforced to the kids nowadays. It really does hurt to see all the food going into the garbage as wastage. I still remember when I was working part time in restaurant, I constantly asked myself why do customer over ordered the amount of food or why would they ordered something that they do not like to eat. Scrapping those food into the bin, wouldn't it be great if those unfortunately actually have access to all these. At least they would appreciate what they will have. Human. I guess the 20/80 rule does apply here as well. 80 percent of the people just do not know how to appreciate what they have. Guess it is not my concern to care about how others think. I will just have to remember to play my part well. It has been a long time since I post a blog. I guess I am back right now. Still the best place to put all my opinions and thoughts here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

don't easily give up on people you really care, like your parents do constantly reminds you of these important things and never stop doing so, because the care.