Sunday, June 28, 2009

28th July

I still remember... Long ago, this date is the first time I know you...

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Which is more important?

I remember 今でも覚えている 愛が生まれた朝を...Sang by Yuna Ito

As I began this blog, this son
g started to play in my playlist. Nolstagic. I have been sle
eping for only 3 to 4 hours a day. Going trough my stud
ies. Have to work as well. Balancing between these both seem a bit hard. The good
side is, my new mate had just arrive this morning. Delivered trough first class express
service so that I can use it as soon as possible.

My I-pod Nano. A purple colour with 16 gb of memory will be with me preparing for my exams. Well, it will also be with me even after my exam. Listening to songs every single minutes is what I call life.

Now I am waiting for another new gadget to be release. The new SE phone which is the Satio. It has been a long time since I fall in love with another handphone. After the release of the Nokia 7250 in year 2003, there hasn't been any phone that can actually make me feel "I MUST GET THIS".

I will wait. It is said to be release around October. Good timing for a new phone. My current SE has been giving me a lot of trouble though. Losing my contact over and over again. Shit. Sorry Malaysian friends. Always lose the numbers you guys gave me.

Tired? I little I guess. Sleep? Nah. I want to score HD and at least D in my subjects. To get that, I must study as much as I could. Just stop work? I want to see how it is like to be trained to be a supervisor. I remember this convesation with my cousin bout how we weight those things around us. He did told me that he also want to earn more money by working at the midnight shift but to him, his health 'weights' more than the money. Me? How I weight the things I am handling now? I also would like to know.

Chatting with a friend currently. Haha. "Consume lesser coffee." Drink more water", " must take some rest." and etc. All these sentences seem noltasgic. Has been quite sometime since I heard those things. Well, personally, I know that I am very bad at taking care of my health. Wondering why. It should be the most important things and I should be aware of that. Just now only realise that I forgot to wash my clothes. Funny.

Well, I still have to wrap a subject before 12 noon. Then I have to go to university to study one of the passed year paper for maths. At 4pm, I will have to go to work till next morning 4am. Later on will catch some sleep. Then wake up again and continue to study and work. study and work till exams and hoping to finish these two weeks as soon as possible.

I have trust with my body. Seem like I am really pushing it to the limit now. How far will I be able to go with my body? Maybe I should study biology and bout human body. Device the best way to rest and work so that all human are able to push their body to the optimum and produce great things. Nah. We have been created in such a way that, our body is not 'permanent'.

Just as I finish this blog. Another song just finished.

ふたりは 今
愛しあい 此処にいる
光が 満ちるように
抱きしめる あなたを
Sang by Yuna Ito

Monday, June 15, 2009


Beside having the hectic life, I manage to squeeze two movies into my life today. Watching random movies that I choose from the net usually help me to discover about life a lot. Makes me understand a little more about this world. Sometimes even pull me back into the beauty of life that I am forgetting. The path that I am going trough now, there are a lot of times I wonder is this the path that I wanted? Most of the times, we have limited choice that we can only take as we go on with our life. However, most of the time we do not realise it.Well, I shall begin introducing the two movies that I had watched today. Two random movies and they are:

Just, Loving You

Niji no Megami
Rainbow Song

These movies are good, even though they are not that well-known across the world. The movies are as shown in the poster, romance movie. However, it can be relate into others aspects of our life as well. as I had mentioned earlier, bout how limited our choices are when we are going ot make decision and setting our foot into different path of our life. In this world now, the basic needs of our daily life will be money. No one can't deny that. Most of us are unaware that everything we do nowadays actually are revolving the word 'Money'. As an example, as soon as we start our primry education, the very first things we learn from our parents before we even go into our primary school will be, "Study hard. Then you will become a lawyer or doctor. In future you will have good life." To express it in a simpler way will be, study hard and work hard in future then you will earn enough money so that you can survive in the society in the future. Let's say now I am doing Civil Engineering. Exams are coming soon. I have to study realy hard to score so that my cert will look NICER in the future. Besides, studying, I did get myself a part time job. Well, it is for the MONEY and also for the job experience. To be frank, if it wasn't because the manager intend to train me to become a supervisor, I had already quit the job. Why I want to be trained? Part of it, I want to learn something new. However, "this learning attitude" might have been cultivated from the way how I think that I should have good working experience so that people will hired me in the future after I graduate. Which in the end goes back to I must get a job so that I can earn some money to support myself and also repay my parents.

Well, this if our life. Each and everyone of us. Especially the 40+ people who are currently online in the facebook because they are bored of they consistant "last minute" revisions before the exam.

When I was a kid, I like photography. How I always have grab the old model canon camera whenever my family goes for trips. Even though, I always screwed up the pitures I took. I still like to go trough the pictures after they were being developed. You can't blame me. The old cameras do not have anti-shock, stabilizer thingy or anti-whatever thing to make your pictures prefect nowadays even for a noob to use. One thing I have learn from the society is, how secure you are as a photographer compare to be an engineer?

Obvious answer? It will be as an engineer. Well, I was thinking about this just now as I watch the movies. This goes back to money. My responsibility to earn money as well as to give my parents a good life for bringing me up. If we view from another from another point, maybe these responsibility for making money might have been derived from our LOVE for our parents and family. Maybe this is the way of expressing love, that is trough resposibilities which goes back to "MAKE MORE MONEY".

All the romance that we watch from movie might no longer exist anymore. How do you know that your partner are with you because they love you for who you are? Maybe they do. Who you are, is a rich person and had a stable income or life which they can depend on. Well, it is the basic criteria. If you want to build a happy family in the future, what do you need? Back to the basic, money. BO LUI JIAK HAM MI?? Translation: What do ou want to eat ir you have no money?. You want a happy and loving family? Go make money.

Beieve it or not. This is true. How I really admire those people who are still able to lead a simple life like those in the movie. I always, 'lead a simple life to other'. Sadly, I am not doing it. I do want a simpler life.

There is nothing That I can do. I have to go back to my studies after taking a bath to refresh myself. Maybe I can imagine myself with a 'CAMERA' and also an ipod listening to my favourite songs somewhere in the mountains with trees, and rivers. The best will be during winter where the white snow covered the whole area for me to take picture and lead my life enjoying the world.

'SMACK!!'. I am awake. No worries. Good luck to those having their exam or facing the paper soon. I have to start working for my future as well now.

Anyway, I will be improving my blog soon. This will no longer be a stranded and shabby looking blog which I post things randomly. IPOD coming soon and I will have time to choose the songs I wanted to go with this blog from my collections.

Monday, June 8, 2009


Sharing another song by 爱戴.

Here is the lyrics:

好想落下一场紫色的雪 至少我的世界和这黑夜

和伙伴一起玩耍的情节 那一幕一幕的现在想起


天空天空天空下紫色的雪 那是那是那是梦里的情节

至少我的世界和这黑夜 能够变的温暖一些

依稀还记得童年的一切 和伙伴一起玩耍的情节

也不能再回到从前 可是在我心里


天空天空天空下紫色的雪 那是那是那是梦里的情节

Well... Back to my revision.
Hmmmm.. Next question!!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Shin Chan

Exam coming soon!!

Again I am bored. Staying in front of the laptop most of the time. Reading from the net, studying the notes, doing revisions and etc. =.=

Well, luckily I have Shin Chan. One of the best Anime from Japan ever.I really admire the 5 year old kid in the show. Living a life with no worries doing whatever he feel good and enjoy his life.

K... Get back to study...

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Ipod Nano 5th!?

Rumors had it that Ipod Nano 5th generation will be out soon. When you have an ever growing collection of music, then you will be thinking of storing them in a bigger space but smaller device so that you can bring them around and listen to them. I shall now wait for September to kick in as rumors are saying that the device will be release around September this year.

I shall wait. Or I will get the 4th generation now and get another one later on?